The Heroine’s Journey of Linda Slagter

What is the best thing that I love about my work? I love being creative and love to organize the creative Herr Zimmerman techno club nights for a variety of nice party people. And to take care, that all those people have a wonderful night together. I also love to DJ at these unique parties.

What is my idea of perfect happiness? To be creative in your work and to be able to do the things you most like every day.

What is my greatest fear? If something awful would happen to the people I love.

What is the trait that I most deplore in myself? That always everything has to be perfect for me, and as a result of that, I am rarely 100% satisfied with my work.

What is my greatest extravagance? To spend so much time to get things ‘perfect’… One can go on and on, for ever and ever, in a creative project. It’s never finished…

On what occasion would I lie? I don’t like to lie and prefer to give constructive feedback. I’ll lie if the truth is too painful, and wouldn’t solve anything at all.

What is the influence of role models, in my work and in my life? I don’t really have any role models, but I like the strong, independent woman, who does what she likes to do in a positive way.

What is the thing, that I dislike the most in my work? The enormous work and time efforts, that PR & Social Media demand nowadays. And are almost impossible to leave. Without all the PR, a creative idea has hardly any chance to survive. Sometimes it seems like, that only promotion counts and content doesn’t matter anymore….

When and where was I the happiest, in my work? It’s hard to choose one moment, but my DJ performance at the Electrode Festival in Rome was amazing. I had to play the closing set at a 2 day during techno-electro festival in an old military fort in Rome for more than 10.000 Italian people, whose response to my set was amazing! It still gives me the goosebumps, when I think back about this.

If I could, what would I change about myself? I wish I was easier for myself and could be satisfied faster with the things I do for work.

What is my greatest achievement in work? The 10th year anniversary of Herr Zimmerman this year. It is a unique techno club night with a lot of creativity and it is a challenge to surprise the visitors every time.

What is my most inspirational location, in my city? The walks with our dog in the beautiful nature.

What is my favourite place to eat and drink, in my city? Since a couple of years I am eating vegan, because animal suffering I really dislike. Berlin is vegan capital of Europe and I like to go to Berlin and not only for the food ;-).

Who is my greatest fan, sponsor, partner in crime? My boyfriend Mario Martinez, with whom I am doing the Herr Zimmerman club nights for 10 years now.

Whom would I like to work with in the future? I like to work with young positive creative people. Who I can help with my experiences and from who I get inspiration as well.

What project, in the nearby future, am I looking forward to work on? The upcoming release, a track from Ethan Fawkes ‘Raving is still Alive’, on the Herr Zimmerman record label. Besides the original track, there are also three remixes, one from my hand and two other remixes. Luke Riga, from the legendary rave band Apotheosis, well known from their forbidden track ‘O Fortuna’, made a really cool remix.

How can you contact me?

Via the Herr Zimmerman and Fraulein Z websites and Facebook of course.

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