From Stories to Action

From Stories to Action

From Stories to Action is a deep dive into the storytelling skills of ideation, prototyping, and iteration. This seminar will teach you how to frame your ideas as experiments and bring others in on your vision of the future. Use experimentation to learn from failure and move from incremental to radical innovation.

Join the virtual journey to push your learning, share and receive feedback and resources, and develop long-term connections.

Introduction Review how insights help spark ideas that lead to action and choose your project challenge.

  • An introduction to three approaches that will get you from ideas to action: ideation, prototyping, and iteration.
  • Discussion: What prevents us from sharing our ideas with the world?
  • Activity: Choose your project challenge and apply what you learn in this course to a “real life” scenario.

The Art of Ideating Go beyond brainstorming—learn techniques for coming up with innovative ideas.

  • Quickly generate, develop, and test ideas. Get comfortable with generating an abundance of ideas, even ones that might seem ridiculous at first.
  • Discussion: If you land on a solid idea, why should you keep generating more possible solutions? Shouldn’t you just stop when you’ve come up with something good?
  • Activity: Plan an ideation session, ideate with two to four people, and choose your top ideas.

Rapid Prototyping De-risk your new ideas by gaining feedback with early prototypes.

  • Learn how to make your ideas tangible so you can share, get feedback, and push them even further.
  • Discussion: How do you invite others to experience something that exists only in your brain? How do you start making your idea tangible?
  • Activity: Plan for your prototype, build a prototype, and share it with others.

Iterate Your Way Forward Get results faster by evolving your ideas to be more desirable, feasible, and viable.

  • Learn how to move your idea forward through multiple rounds of ideation and prototyping.
  • Discussion: Why is trial and error so important?
  • Activity: List questions that will help you iterate, prioritize those questions, ideate again (and again), and plan for the future.

About Peter de Kuster

Peter de Kuster is the founder of The Heroine’s Journey & Hero’s Journey project,  a storytelling firm which helps creative professionals to create careers and lives based on whatever story is most integral to their lives and careers (values, traits, skills and experiences). Peter’s approach combines in-depth storytelling and marketing expertise, and for over 20 years clients have found it effective with a wide range of creative business issues.


Peter is writer of the series The Heroine’s Journey and Hero’s Journey books, he has an MBA in Marketing,  MBA in Financial Economics and graduated at university in Sociology and Communication Sciences.

Why Take From Stories to Action

From Stories to Action teaches the business storytelling methods of generating ideas, making them tangible, and refining them through the process of experimentation. Learn the storytelling skills and mindsets of building to think and experimenting your way forward. As Peter de Kuster says, “The trick is building a culture of storytelling and experimentation. Then, by definition, if you’re not failing some of the time, you’re not exploring your best possible stories”

This Virtual Journey Will Help You

  • Turn your ideas into small experiments where failure becomes learning.
  • Build rough and rapid prototypes so others can help you get from outrageous to brilliant ideas.
  • Create a culture of experimentation on your team and move from incremental to radical innovation.
  • Move from ideas and stories to real innovations in the marketplace through the process of ideation, prototyping, and iteration.
  • Bring others in on your story version of the future.


  • Start Date: at any date
  • Time:  Six weeks,  1 hour each week
  • Form: Online one-on-one conversation with Peter de Kuster
  • Price:  Euro 599

Book your virtual journey by sending Peter an email to

The format of this conversation is highly interactive and involves a combination of teaching, and reflection. Peter de Kuster aims to create a confidential space where you are welcome to contribute freely and comfortably. If you have any questions about the format of the virtual conversation please get in touch at