The Heroine’s Journey of Mary C Ampiee

What is the best thing that I love about my work? What I like the most about my work is the freedom, flexibility and variety that it involves. It is everything except monotonous. It combines what I have in my heart as an artist with what I have learned to do along my previous career. It allows me to help others, to promote art and culture and to meet lot of interesting people.

What is my idea of perfect happiness? For me perfect happiness is being with people I love sharing a nice moment and enjoy what I do in every aspect of my life.

What is my greatest fear? My greatest fear is to get to the end of my life, look back and discover that I lived a life decided by others and not by myself. That I just did what I was supposed to do and did not have the courage to at least try what I wanted to be.

What is the trait that I most deplore in myself? I am very impatient. I want to do so many things that I want to use effectively every minute of the day and sometimes I do not enjoy so much what I am doing because I am already thinking in what I will do next. I decided to change this so I am working hard to slow down and enjoy every moment like it deserves.

What is my greatest extravagance? I always say I want to become a wise old lady so I am continuously looking to learn new things even when there is no connection between them, just to experience completely different and challenging situations that make me grow. I love travelling and follow same rule in my trips, I might go with an anthropologist to visit tribes in North Cameroon with no touristic infrastructure at all or go to New York and do the typical tourist activities.

On what occasion would I lie? I do not like lies but maybe I would go for it when telling the truth would not make situation any better and would hurt very much a person.

What is the influence of role models, in my work and in my life? I have always look admiringly at people with original professions and lives, those brave enough to live in a different way, those that started from having nothing and created a real important thing. I find them examples of perseverance and courage and totally motivational stories. Some of them are famous people but some others are not, are just normal people that do great things.

What is the thing that I dislike the most in my work? I have to travel a lot and in certain periods, when there are two or three trips in a row I do not have much time to be with my family and friends.

When and where was I the happiest, in my work? The happiest moment in my work was when I had the courage to change life and go for what I wanted. I spent many years doing something else dreaming and guessing about what it could be working in something I had passion about but was not able to do the move. The day I finally did, will be always an important one in my working and personal life.

If I could, what would I change about myself? I want to be more patient and enjoy better every moment of my life. I am working hard on it.

What is my greatest achievement in work? When people assisting to my conferences or workshops tell me that I contagious them my motivation and help them make that step that they have being doubting for so long, I feel great and even more motivated to continue doing my work.

What is my most inspirational location, in my city? There is a little cafeteria in front of the sea that makes inspiration flow inside me no matter if it is winter or summer, spring or autumn. Whenever I am there, I feel relaxed, inspired and happier. It is my secret place.

What is my favorite place to eat and drink, in my city? I think nice cooking is an art. I do not have only one favorite place. I love eating and trying new flavors so I am always willing to know new places and cooking artists. I normally look for nice environment, nice company and a sensorial experience through the combination of aliments used to create in my plate.

Who is my greatest fan, sponsor, partner in crime? I think my mum is my greatest fan, supporter, sponsor and whatever related word I could imagine. She does not fully understand everything I do but she believes in me and wants me to be happy. And when she sees me doing that what I have dreamt so many years and my happy face, she becomes the best supporter and encourages me to continue following my dream.

Whom would I like to work with in the future? I would like to work with people that believe in innovation and help entrepreneurs and start-ups, people who started from zero and created something big, people who use their fame to motivate and make their town or country better like Richard Branson, Antonio Banderas, etc. Many different professions but something important in common, when facing something different they usually say ‘Why not?’ and there where people see something impossible they see an opportunity.

What project, in the nearby future, am I looking forward to work on? I would love to collaborate with a Foundation helping female entrepreneurs. They help them with all the process of creating their business. I would love to prepare a programme for those in the artistic and cultural sector both in Spain and Latin America.

How can you contact me?

You can reach me on my email or in my web-blog

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