The Heroine’s Journey of Patrizia Musso

What is the best thing that I love about my work?
I’m an Adjunct Professor in an Italian University. I consider this work as a vocation because it implicates a great sense of responsibility. I appreciate talking to my students about brand communication themes. But I’m also a senior consultant and trainer, so I love joining theory to practice.

What is my idea of perfect happiness?
Being a mom has completely changed my previous idea of happiness. Seeing my daughter happy makes me happy

What is my greatest fear?
In general, to lose the control of my mind. In everyday life, my greatest fear is loosing the Human Contact both in professional and personal relationships.

What is the trait that I most deplore in myself?
I’m (too much) patient

Which living persons in my profession do I most admire?
Those people who are not afraid of leaving their “comfort zone”.

What is my greatest extravagance?
It might be absdurd: I’m a shy person that loves being on the stage. Why? Because I like involving and engaging other people in professional and personal contests rather than being the unique protagonist of the scene.

On what occasion would I lie?
In general, I prefer not to lie: being a transparent person makes me feel proud of myself

What is the thing that I dislike the most in my work?
Working with people with lack of passion

When and where was I the happiest, in my work?
I’m always open to experimentation. I love doing news things for the first time. I’m the happiest when I dedicate time and a lot of passion in creating an event, like “Slow Brand Festival”. It doesn’t matter where, important is being surrounded by the right people.

If I could, what would I change about myself?
Have you seen my selfie? My nose is too big for my tiny face 😉

What is my greatest achievement in work?
I have two greatest achievement in my work: on one hand, writing brand communication books (I’ve never thought of writing again and again after my first book in 2005). On the other hand, I feel like an entrepreneur since I created in 2001, the first Italian site on branding.

Where would I most like to live?
I love my country. I love travelling even if I think I could never leave Italy.

What is my most treasured possession? The big love I have for my daughter.

What is my most marked characteristic? I’m a good listener and I’m also able to transfer my passion to others

What is my most inspirational location, in my city? Zona Navigli, a cozy location in Milan

What is my favourite place to eat and drink, in my city? I love those hibrid places where people can eat, drink while reading a book or listening to music. I love when you can do all these things together and working at the same time

What books influenced my life and how? Siddharta by Herman Hesse really touched me during my teen years. At that time I could never imagine I would graduate in Philosophy!

Who are my favorite writers? Daniel Pennac has always been one of my favourite authors. Generally speaking I appreciate reading books that give me a reason to reflect

You Only Die Once. What music would I listen on my last day? Well, I’ve never thought about such unusual question. I think I would choose a compilation with songs belonging to particular times in my life: from Bach to Piazzolla, going through Ray Charles, Gershwin, Jovanotti and Lucio Dalla.

Who is my hero or heroine in fiction? Have you seen the Pixar movie “The Incredibles”? Well, my heroine is the mother (Helena Parr/Elastigirl): she embodies the perfect mix of sweetness and strenght

Who are my heroes and heroines in real life? All my friends that have struggled with strength and courage during the difficult situations in their lives

Which movie would i recommend to see once in a lifetime? The movie “Gandhi” (1982, performed by Ben Kingsley) really moved me

What role plays art in my life and work? When I was a child I wanted to become a comic illustrator, then a fashion designer. Creating has always fashinated me. It became a feature of my personality that turned out in trying to always observe the world with an open mind, both professionally and personally.

Who is my greatest fan, sponsor, partner in crime? In terms of complicity, my daughter Elisa. Undoubtly !!

Whom would I like to work with in 2017? Every creative people that will come this year is welcome to my life, neither a specific person, just the ones with a lot of good energy.

Which people in my profession would I love to meet in 2017? Slow Boss

What project, in 2017, am I looking forward to work on? Every new project is welcome!

Where can you see me or my work in 2017? Slow Brand Festival, 14th June in Milan

What do the words “Passion Never Retires” mean to me? In a complex contest like the one we are facing today, passion for your work and your life is an essential ingredient.

Which creative heroines should Peter invite to tell their story?
Isabella Appolloni,

How can you contact me?

You can find my book  on Slow Brand by clicking this link here

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